Keyword Density Checker

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About Keyword Density Checker

Basically, keyword density is the percentage of keywords that appear on your web page compared to the total number of words on a web page.

What is the formula for keyword density check?

The formula is keyword density check: Divide the number of times a keyword is used on your web page by the total number of words on that page and multiply by 100 to get a percentage of keyword density of that web page.

For example - If you created a web page with 500 words of content where you used the keyword "Best Keyword Density Checker Tool" 10 times then your keyword density would be two percent (2%).

What should be the ideal keyword density for any web page?

Most digital marketers and SEO experts place their keyword density at 1% or 2%. Which can be the best for enhancing their keyword ranking and keyword appearance on search engine result pages.



FreeDigitalmarketingToolkit (FDMT) also offers other SEO Tools that can also help you with Ping WebsiteXML Sitemap, Track IP Address OnlineLink Analyzer and more.