What is Google Helpful Content Update Algorithm?

                   Know About Helpful COntnet Update

The helpful content update is a big search ranking  algorithm update that  impacts or rank-down such kinds of web pages that  do not have people-first  content, just making for  the SEO or search engine ranking purpose. 

                  Launch Date

Google announced on August 18, 2022, about the helpful content update and It began to roll out on the 25th of August.

                                    Here is john Mueller Confirmation

How much time  it will take to Rollout?

As per google updates It will take around two weeks to roll out

Is this Sitewide  Algorithm Upadte?

Yes, this is a sitewide algorithm update, so it will impact the overall website.

                  Can it Penalty  the website?

Not confirmed by Google on this.

Is it a core update?

No, it's not look like Google core algorithm update.

                  Which language  website will impact?

Currently, English-language websites will be affected globally by this Google Assistant content update, but will likely expand to other languages as well.

How to Recover?

If any web page is hit by Google Helpful Content Update algorithm, then you need to change the content of that particular web page to make it better according to Google's advice and guidelines.

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